Published on Development Impact

Weekly links Feb 7th: Maps, Synthetic Controls, Interviewing Online vs in person, and more…

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·       The latest CSAE Coder’s Corner summarizes estimation using synthetic control methods and creating maps in Stata.

·       Dave Evans blogs about a choose-your-own-adventure approach to telling undergrads what development research looks like in practice.

·       Berk summarizes how to design cash transfer programs on Let’s Talk Development.

·       A comparison of qualitative interviewing in person versus online by Emily Namey on the FHI 360 blog. Two take-aways: 1) “Despite differences in the amount of textual data generated, the primary themes identified in the analysis came through clearly in all modes of data collection. Had we conducted only in-person or only online chat interviews, for example, the resultant thematic reports would have been structured on nearly identical outlines, based on the shared thematic content generated”; and 2) I was surprised to find the online video interviews ended up more expensive than in-person interviews – because of video hosting costs and added transcription costs. But this depends on how big your travel costs are for in-person.

·       World Bank Research Observer submissions deadline: Papers for consideration at the Spring 2020 meeting of the WBRO Editorial Board should be submitted to the Editor ( no later than Monday, March 16, 2020. H/t Lode Smets, who wrote to let me know that having seen the call for papers in a past Development Impact links, he was inspired to submit a paper on what donors can do to support policy reform in recipient countries, that is now forthcoming at WBRO. You know we are careful about claiming causality at Development Impact, but hopefully this might encourage others to also consider it as an outlet.


David McKenzie

Lead Economist, Development Research Group, World Bank

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