Valentine’s day chocolate

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Looking for a gift for your socially-conscious significant other? Try chocolate.

Of world cocoa production, 70% comes from West Africa, 90% from small farmers. Groups like the International Cocoa Initiative and World Cocoa Foundation are promoting improved labor practices and sustainable cocoa growing. (Partially in response to a 2002 Responsible Cocoa report on child labor in West African cocoa production.) The New York Times also reports that chocolatiers are starting to embrace “single-origin” chocolate. While this trend is mostly about marketing or snob appeal, it bodes well for entrepernuerial African producers trying to capture more of the value-added in chocolate's production. (via Ben Muse)

Update 1: Foreign Policy has a special Valentine's feature on 'Who do you love?'

Update 2: And some sustainable gifts via Treehugger.

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