Klaus Decker

Klaus Decker

Senior Public Sector Specialist

Mr. Klaus Decker is a Senior Public Sector Specialist working at the World Bank in Washington since 2002. As a member of the Governance Global Practice, he supports justice sector reform initiatives primarily in countries in Europe and Central Asia. He is currently the task team leader of a USD 110 million Judicial Reform Project in Romania. He is also task managing the preparation of a Judicial Development Project in the Kyrgyz Republic.
In addition to lending operations, Mr. Decker carries out analytical work on justice sector issues. He has led a team carrying out a Judicial Functional Review in Romania. In Serbia, he is task managing a USD 10 million Multi-Donor Trust Fund for Justice Sector Support. In addition to supervising the activities implemented by the Serbian authorities, he has led a team delivering a fiscal impact analysis of the draft legal aid law, a comparative analysis of free legal aid systems in Europe, and a comprehensive multi-stakeholder justice survey. Mr. Decker just finalized a Judicial Functional Review in Serbia to inform the country’s EU accession negotiations.
Mr. Decker also represents the World Bank at the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ). Among other things, the CEPEJ produces cross-country statistical data about the functioning of justice systems in the 47 Council of Europe member states. Throughout his career at the World Bank, Mr. Decker has worked on justice reform across different countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America.
Mr. Decker is a French and German trained lawyer by background with an LL.M. in European Law. He graduated from Saarland University in Saarbrücken, Germany and Robert Schuman University in Strasbourg, France.