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Fotografías finalistas del concurso en Instagram #Cadadíaveo

Más de 1400 fotos fueron recibidas en el concurso #Cadadíaveo (#EachDayISee), que finalizó el 13 de febrero. La cantidad y la calidad de los trabajos participantes superaron todas nuestras expectativas. Les pedimos que compartieran la visión que tienen del mundo y los relatos visuales que nos llegaron desde todas las regiones fueron impresionantes. Además de las fotos, los participantes incluyeron descripciones detalladas del contexto en que fueron tomadas las imágenes, ayudando a la audiencia a entender mejor las historias detrás de las fotografías.

De modo que, antes de anunciar las 20 fotos que recibieron la mayor cantidad de “me gusta”, quiero darles las gracias en nombre de nuestro equipo completo de las áreas de Internet y Medios Sociales. Ustedes nos han inspirado para relacionarnos aún más estrechamente con nuestros seguidores en las redes sociales y ayudarnos a contar testimonios reales sobre el fin de la pobreza.
Sin nada más que agregar, los invitamos a mirar las 20 fotos seleccionadas por el público, las cuales serán publicadas en la página del Banco Mundial en Instagram para la votación final.

Nota: Instagram recomienda instalar la versión más reciente de su navegador con el objeto de obtener la mejor experiencia visual.

Congratulations @nineteenfiftyone! Your photo is an #EachDayISeeFinalist. To vote for this photo to be selected as one of the 5 winners, click “like”. Vote for as many photos as you like. #EachDayISee #finalists #endpoverty #takeon #Repost
This photo was taken by Sudanese refugee and photojournalism student, Khamis. An image as powerful as the story he wrote to accompany it. He wrote: This is Kaka, a Sudanese primary school student in Ajuong Thok Refugee Camp in South Sudan. “Ajuong Thok is a good place for me to learn without hearing gunshots,” she said. This is an opportunity. Education and school materials are free for refugees and here, refugees can form bonds with different people. Educating girls is important to reduce early marriage and for improved family planning.

A photo posted by WorldBank (@worldbank) on

Congratulations @roman_social! Your photo is an #EachDayISeeFinalist. To vote for this photo to be selected as one of the 5 winners, click “like”. Vote for as many photos as you like. #EachDayISee #finalists #endpoverty #takeon #Repost
Je publie de nouveau cette photo pour faire écho au projet de la @banquemondiale sur ce que vous voudriez voir changer dans le monde. La Banque Mondiale lutte activement contre le réchauffement climatique et en faveur de l'environnement par différents programmes tels que le Global Gas Flaring Reduction et d'autres encore en lien avec les Nations Unies... Une main tendue vers le ciel en faveur de la qualité de l'air. I post this photo again to echo the project of @worldbank on what you would like to see changed in the world. The World Bank actively fight against global warming and protect the environment through various programs such as the Global Gas Flaring Reduction and others in connection with the United Nations ... A helping hand to the sky for the air quality. #EachDayIsee #JeVoisChaqueJour #air #life #hope

A photo posted by WorldBank (@worldbank) on

Congratulations @javierimedinac! Your photo is an #EachDayISeeFinalist. To vote for this photo to be selected as one of the 5 winners, click “like”. Vote for as many photos as you like. #EachDayISee #finalists #endpoverty #takeon #repost
#cadadiaveo #eachdayisee El cambio; cuando queremos el cambio es para mejorar, para avanzar y progresar. la humanidad es consiente de la realidad social pero solo ve y observa mas no pone su granito de arena para el cambio para así vivir en un mundo mejor donde todos somos iguales, una solo especie, por eso yo he elegido esta foto como parte de mi cambio a mi país, al mundo. The change; when we want to change is to improve, to advance and progress. humanity is aware of the social reality but just go and see but not put their bit for change

A photo posted by WorldBank (@worldbank) on

Congratulations @ginamardones! Your photo is an #EachDayISeeFinalist. To vote for this photo to be selected as one of the 5 winners, click “like”. Vote for as many photos as you like. #EachDayISee #finalists #endpoverty #takeon #repost
#brazil (PT)Escola na Aldeia Apucaraninha-PR. Além do português as crianças são alfabetizadas em caingangue, preservando, desta forma, a cultura indígena. / (ES)Una indiazita en su escuela en la aldea Apucaraninha - PR. Los pequeños son alfabetizados en portugues pero tambien en caingangue. De esta manera preservan su idioma y su cultura. /(FR)Une petite dans son #école au village Apucaraninha-PR. Au-delà du portugais, l'apprentissage de la langue caingangue sert à préserver la culture indienne. / (EN)A little indian in her #school in Apucaraninha village. Besides portuguese literacy, the students take caingangue classes in order to preserve their language and culture. #EachDayISee #Cadadiaveo @bancomundial #bancomundial #onubrasil #unicef @onubrasil @unicef #brasilemfotos @unitednations #unesco @Unesco #enfance #child #education #indian #londrina #parana #instagrambrasil @instagrambrasil #unwoman @unwomen #endpoverty #jevoischaquejour

A photo posted by WorldBank (@worldbank) on


Dado que recibimos tantas fotos increíbles, nuestro asociado National Geographic Your Shot (i) ha elegido 20 menciones honrosas. Revisen estas impresionantes imágenes que no recibieron las mayores cantidades de “me gusta”, pero que se destacan por sí mismas.

Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Generation Y.

A photo posted by Mustafa Sharara (@mustafasharara) on

Mujer hondureña trabajando en la milpa #Cadadíaveo #EachDayISee

A photo posted by Johanna Kattan (@johannakattan) on

Mbuji-Mayi, Democratic Republic of Congo. It's a women's world.#EachDayISee

A photo posted by @sarah.dekkiche on

In the rural & poverty stricken areas of #PNG, #EachDayISee children's lives are being transformed through #education.

A photo posted by Kokoda Track Foundation (@kokoda_track) on

The Rural Life. Girls in villages especially those from poor and backward families remain uneducated and oppressed all their life affecting future generations too.Educating girls from villages will help with women empowerment, to make them self sufficient bringing them out of the life of oppression, helping whole family, their children and future generations. Eligible girls will be supported for higher education and income generating or employment opportunities too. Educating these girls helps to improve standard of living not only for them but their whole family and future generations building up the whole society esp. those from villages in rural India.Girls, the future women are the centre of family. Educating them makes them understand the problems and solve these in a better way improving the standards of living not only for their family but for whole generation in future and the community in general. Educating girls from villages helps to improve standard of living not only for them but their whole family and future generations building up the whole society esp. those from villages in rural India. #poverty #girls #education #educatinggirls #society #unicef #ngo #emporverment #girls #health ##Asia #India #Bihar #Biharodyssey #iphoneonly #storyteller #Documentary #photojournalism #dailylife #reportage #Reportagespotlight #personalproject #therurallife #village #smile #eyes #beauty #eachdayisee #endpoverty

A photo posted by Chetan Kumar (@chetankumarstudio) on

Streets of Dakar

A photo posted by @amygajerba on

#cadadíaveo mas niños y niñas disfrutando del agua.

A photo posted by Randy Delgado Herrera (@radelgadoh) on

Mãe aguarda, no chão, atendimento médico para o filho doente, na entrada do Pronto Atendimento Infantil, em Londrina, Paraná. Mother waits on the ground, medical care for the sick child, the entrance to the Children's Emergency Department, in Londrina, Paraná. Madre attende a terra, le cure mediche per il bambino malato, l'ingresso al Pronto Soccorso dei bambini, a Londrina, Paraná. Madre espera en el suelo, la atención médica para el niño enfermo, la entrada de Infantil del Departamento de Emergencia, en Londrina, Paraná. #CadaDíaVeo #EachDayISee @bancomundial #bancomundial @onubrasil #onubrasil @unicef #unicef @unesco #unesco @unitednations #unitednations #child #hospital #care #save #health #salute #salud #saúde #mother #mamma #madre #crianca #bambino #infant #endpoverty #instagrambrasil #londrina #parana #fimdapobreza #pobreza #foto #fotografia #photo

A photo posted by Marcos Zanutto (@marcoszanutto) on


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