Natalia Agapitova

Natalia Agapitova

Senior Economist

Natalia Agapitova is a Senior Economist in the Innovation & Entrepreneurship unit of the Trade & Competitive Global Practice at the World Bank. She joined the World Bank Group in 2002 after spending three years working for a Russian investment company in the midst of the financial crisis, and working for four years as a lecturer and researcher in economics at the University of Poitiers, France.

Natalia has 20 years of operational experience in private sector development, education, and governance in 37 countries across five regions. At the World Bank, she has covered operational and analytical aspects of the innovation agenda. She worked across sectors spanning private sector development, education and skills, governance and service delivery. She also managed the Global Development Marketplace Program since 2012. Natalia has firsthand expertise in results-based management, learning design, crowdsourcing, and a wide range of tools supporting organizational innovation. She has a doctorate in economics, specialized in the role of innovation and private sector for inclusive and sustainable development.