Published on All About Finance

In the job market with a Macro-Finance paper? Blog about it on the All About Finance blog

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Following the tradition started by our colleagues in Development Impact, All About Finance is inviting PhD students working on the field of Macro-Finance that are in the job market this year to write a blog post describing their paper .1

Examples of topics that we cover in the blog include subfields such as financial intermediation, banking, corporate finance, financial access and international finance.

We will accept submissions through Friday, November 2020. Blog posts will be selected based on their fit with All About Finance.

When preparing your blog post, note that:

  • It should not exceed 1,000 words.  
  • We recommend including 1 or 2 figures.
  • In addition to your post, please send us: your paper, your short bio, and the URL of your job market webpage.

Borrowing from the guidelines prepared by our colleague Berk Özler, we encourage you to avoid highly technical descriptions of your paper.  Simple is better.  State your research question. Motivate its importance.  Briefly discuss your methodology.  Finally, summarize your main findings, emphasizing their policy relevance.

Once you are ready, submit all your materials to We will respond to you within a couple of weeks of your submission.

1 If your paper is an impact evaluation or applied micro work, you should consider sending a blog post to Development Impact.


Asli Demirgüç-Kunt

Former Chief Economist, Europe and Central Asia Region

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