Climate change in the news (Mar 13- 18, 2010)
- Spin, science and climate change – Economist 03/18
- Language of Religious Fervor Inflames Climate Change Debate - New York Times 03/19
- Africa’s Largest Wind Project Advances – New York Times 03/16
- Urban CO2 domes increase deaths, poke hole in 'cap-and-trade' proposal – Stanford University News 03/16
- Global oil demand seen higher in 2010 – Associated Press 03/12
- U.S. groups want to expand climate bill forestry aid – Reuters 03/16
- IFC, BDO agree to extend funds for energy efficiency and renewable-energy markets – Business Mirror (Philippines) 03/18
- Climate ‘Fix’ Could Poison Sea Life – BBC, 03/16
- Op-ed: Foresters should not succumb to the temptations of easy money for carbon sequestration – Business Standard (India) 03/18
- Photos: Climate change seen through Magnum photographers' eyes – Magnum Photos
- Radio: More water for South Australia – ABC Radio National, 03/17
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