- ENERGY: Renewables Test IQ of the Grid - Science - 4/10/09
- Risks of Extreme Heat and Unpredictability - Science - 4/10/09
- Tough climate - Nature - 4/9/09
- Gapping the bridge: Radar image reveals damage to ice shelf - Nature - 4/9/09
- Sagging economy clips clean tech's wings - Nature - 4/9/09
- E.U. Carbon Trading System Shows Signs of Working – NYTimes 4/2/09
- U.S. Acts to Alter New England Fisheries – NYTimes 4/2/09
- In Areas Fueled by Coal, Climate Bill Sends Chill - NYTimes 4/9/09
- Lessons on How to Guzzle Less Gas, From Europe and Japan – Nytimes 4/5/09
- The Greening of Pittsburgh – NYTimes 4/1/09
- The Promise of a Better Light Bulb? – NYTimes 4/9/09
- Tipping Points and the Climate Challenge – NYTimes 3/28/2009
- Who Will Profit from Climate Change? – Scientific American 4/2/09
- Polar Meltdown Triggers International Arctic Landgrab – Sci. American March 09
- Top 10 Myths about Sustainability – Scientific American March 09
- How Business Can Influence Climate Policy – Scientific American March 09
- Giving the Power Grid Some Backbone – Scientific American March 09
- Expert tips – Nature Reports Climate Change 3/26/09
- Climate Change Ponzi Scheme - Forbes - 4/6/09
- Black is the new green – Financial Times 3/3/09
- CDM: Secretive U.N. board awards lucrative credits with few rules barring conflicts - ClimateWire - 4/7/09
- US Action: U.S. CAP flexes muscle on offset provisions - ClimateWire - 4/9/09
- International Agreement: The sound and flurry of climate talks create better atmosphere, but few results - ClimateWire - 4/8/09
- Security: Intelligence agencies seek better data on drought, storms, migration and melting polar ice - ClimateWire - 4/9/09
- Impacts: Study predicts climate change will alter global wildfire patterns - ClimateWire - 4/8/09
- Transportation: Developing nations may not copy U.S. car craze - ClimateWire - 4/8/09
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