Some latest published reports, journal articles, and papers.
- Car industry: Charging up the future - Nature - 11/26
- Greenhouse gases hit modern-day highs - Nature - 12/3
- Chemicals firm cancels plans for biodiesel plant - Nature - 12/3
- Mass loss on Himalayan glacier endangers water resources - Geo. Research Letters - 11/22
- UN suspends leading carbon-offset firm - Nature - 12/9
- Southern Ocean acidification: A tipping point at 450-ppm atmospheric CO2- PNAS- 12/2
- Global temp responses to current emissions from the transport sectors - PNAS - 12/9
- The payoff of conservation investments in tropical countryside - PNAS - 12/9
- Australia Unveils Targets to Cut Pollution - NY Times - 12/15
- Carbon Penance - NYTimes - 12/14
- Climate-Change Defense, The - NYTimes - 12/12
- Eat Kangaroos to Fight Global Warming - NYTimes - 12/12
- Amid a hopeful mood UN talks set countries on path toward... - NYTimes - 12/13
- Mr. Obama's Green Team - NYTimes - 12/13
- How Obama Can Change Antienvironmental Policies - Scientific American - 12/9
- What Causes Beach Erosion? - Scientific American - 12/17
- Clean Cities and Dirty Coal Power--China's Energy Paradox - Scientific American - 12/17
- Set in Our Ways: Why Change Is So Hard - Scientific American - 12/17
- Can Nuclear Power Compete? -Scientific American - 12/15
- Has the Food Crisis Abated? Q&A - Scientific American - 12/15
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