- How declining aerosols and rising greenhouse gases forced rapid warming in Europe since the 1980s - Geophysical Research Letters - 1/20/09
- Climate change: Snakes tell a torrid tale - Nature - 2/5/09
- The Sea-Level Fingerprint of West Antarctic Collapse - Science - 2/6/09
- Irreversible climate change due to carbon dioxide emissions - PNAS - 2/10/09
- Demographic models and IPCC climate projections predict the decline of an emperor penguin population - PNAS - 2/10/09
- Climate change and health costs of air emissions from biofuels and gasoline - PNAS - 2/10/09
- US takes pole position in generation of wind power - Nature - 2/12/09
- Sweden backs construction of new nuclear plants - Nature - 2/12/09
- Batteries versus biomass as a transport solution - Nature - 2/12/09
- US Environmental politics. Tree-huggers v nerds – The Economist – 2/12/09
- Rebuilding Haiti. Weighed down by disasters – The Economist – 2/12/09
- GHG satellite monitoring. Accounting from above – The Economist – 2/12/09
- Australia's wildfires. The burning bush – The Economist – 2/12/09
- CCTs Anti-poverty programmes. Quid pro quo – The Economist – 2/12/09
- Drought in northern China. The rainman comes – The Economist – 2/12/09
- Nuclear power in the Nordic countries. Recalled to half-life – The Economist – 2/12/09
- Poll incl. CC views of Deving country middle class. What do you think? – The Economist – 2/12/09
- Oil Industry Ready to Work on Global Warming - NYTimes - February 12, 2009
- Big Science Role Is Seen in Global Warming Cure - NYTimes - February 12, 2009
- Protecting Fish Ahead of the ‘Big Melt’ - NYTimes - Dot Eath Blog - February 5, 2009
- On the Origin (and Fate) of Species - NYTimes - DotEarth Blog - February 13, 2009
- Solar Power and Geopolitics in the Mediterranean - NYTimes - Green Inc Blog - February 13, 2009
- Scientists must rein in misleading climate change claims - The Guardian - Wednesday 11 February 2009
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