- CLIMATE CHANGE: Sentinels of Change - Science - 2/13/09
- Impacts of climate change on stratospheric ozone recovery - Geophysical Resesarch Letters - 2/5/09
- Carbon cycle: Sink in the African jungle - Nature - 2/19/09
- Good or bad bioethanol from a greenhouse gas perspective: What determines this? - Applied Energy - May 2009
- Is it better to import palm oil from Thailand to produce biodiesel in Ireland than to produce biodiesel from indigenous Irish rape seed? - Applied Energy - May 2009
- Accounting for energy-related CO2 emission in China, 1991–2006 – Energy Policy 37(3) March 2009
- Analysis of the market penetration of clean coal technologies and its impacts in China's electricity sector – Energy Policy 37(1) January 2009
- Are biofuels a feasible option? – Energy Policy 37(1) January 2009
- Assessment of utilization of wind energy resources in Nigeria – Energy Policy 37(2) February 2009
- Bio-diesel: Initiatives, potential and prospects in Thailand: A review – Energy Policy 37(2) February 2009
- Carbon abatement potential of solar home systems in India and their cost reduction due to carbon finance – Energy Policy 37(1) January 2009
- CO2 emissions from electricity generation in seven Asia-Pacific and North American countries: A decomposition analysis – Energy Policy 37(1) January 2009
- Does higher economic and financial development lead to environmental degradation: Evidence from BRIC countries – Energy Policy 37(1) January 2009
- Economic feasibility of electricity production from energy plantations present on community-managed forestlands in Madhya Pradesh, India – Energy Policy 37(1) January 2009
- How energy efficiency fails in the building industry – Energy Policy 37(3) March 2009
- Impact of climate policy uncertainty on the adoption of electricity generating technologies – Energy Policy 37(2) February 2009
- Income and CO2 emissions: Evidence from panel unit root and cointegration tests – Energy Policy 37(2) February 2009
- Integrated assessment of bioelectricity technology options – Energy Policy 37(3) March 2009
- Long-term energy consumptions of urban transportation: A prospective simulation of “transport–land uses” policies in Bangalore – Energy Policy 37(3) March 2009
- Reduction potentials of energy demand and GHG emissions in China's road transport sector – Energy Policy 37(2) February 2009
- Renewable portfolio standards and cost-effective energy-efficiency investment – Energy Policy 37(3) March 2009
- Target-aimed versus wishful-thinking in designing efficient GHG reduction strategies for a metropolitan city: Taipei – Energy Policy 37(2) February 2009
- Technology transfer by CDM projects: A comparison of Brazil, China, India and Mexico – Energy Policy 37(2) February 2009
- The distributional implications of a carbon tax in Ireland – Energy Policy 37(2) February 2009
- The experience curve, option value, and the energy paradox – Energy Policy 37(3) March 2009
- The Stern Review: A deconstruction – Energy Policy 37(3) March 2009
- The vulnerability of renewable energy to climate change in Brazil – Energy Policy 37(3) March 2009
- Trends in renewable energy strategy development and the role of CDM in Bangladesh – Energy Policy 37(1) January 2009
- White certificate schemes: Economic analysis and interactions with the EU ETS – Energy Policy 37(1) January 2009
Reports, working papers, books
- New CC publications - International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)
- Assessing Vulnerability to Global Environmental Change: Making Research Useful for Adaptation Decision Making and Policy - Earthscan
- The Earthscan Reader on Adaptation to Climate Change - Earthscan
- Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation in Sub-Saharan Africa - International Food Policy Research Institute
- Encouraging developing country involvement in a post-2012 climate change regime: carrots, sticks or both? – Munich Personal RePEc Archive (MPRA)
- Plastic bags & incremental behavioral change. Small steps – The Economist – Feb 16 2009
- Turkish parliament approves Kyoto protocol – Feb 5 2009 - Reuters
- CLIMATE-L.ORG Daily Feed - Friday, 6 February 2009
- CLIMATE-L.ORG Daily Feed – Monday, 9 February 2009
- CLIMATE-L.ORG Daily Feed –Tuesday, 10 February 2009
- CLIMATE-L.ORG Daily Feed –Wednesday, 11 February 2009
- CLIMATE-L.ORG Daily Feed – Thursday, 12 February 2009
- CLIMATE-L.ORG Daily Feed – Friday, 13 February 2009
- CLIMATE-L.ORG Daily Feed – Tuesday, 17 February 2009
- CLIMATE-L.ORG Daily Feed – Wednesday, 18 February 2009
- New MEA Bulletin No. 63 – IISD & UNEP
- CDM: More managers needed to oversee CO2 projects - ClimateWire - 2/19/09
- Adaptation: Engineers' report says climate-proofing necessary to save towns - ClimateWire - 2/17/09
- Refugees: Wash. unready for 'climate refugees,' report concludes - ClimateWire - 2/16/09
- Innovation: Energy Discovery-Innovation Institutes: A Step toward America's Energy Sustainability - Brookings - February, 2009
- Forests: Timber companies and environmental groups agree on the outlines of a climate plan - ClimateWire - 2/19/09
- Green Jobs: Energy experts and industry representatives see pitfalls in 'green' investment - ClimateWire - 2/18/09
- Energy: Industry expert warns business model is in 'peril' - ClimateWire - 2/19/09
- Green Jobs: Economists see no effective 'green' stimulus without carbon policy - ClimateWire - 2/18/09
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