Some latest published reports, journal articles, and papers.
- On the fate of anthropogenic nitrogen - PNAS - 1/6
- Agreeing to disagree: uncertainty management in assessing climate change, impacts and responses by the IPCC - CC - 1/09
- Uncertainty and assessment of the issues posed by urgent climate change. An editorial comment - CC- 1/09
- Estimating the economic impacts of climate change on infectious diseases: a case study on dengue fever in Taiwan - CC - 1/09
- Obama and climate change: Science is not a spectator sport - Nature - 1/15
- Ocean fertilization: Ocean study draws ire - Nature - 1/15
- Coal conversion plant fires up in China - Nature - 1/15
- A 50-Year Farm Bill - The NYTimes - 1/05
- Rain Forests, It Seems, Need the Dry Season - The NYTimes - 3/13/07
- Here's the Catch - Washington Post - 1/14
- Renewing Green Development - Washington Post - 1/9
- Disposal of Coal Ash Rises As Environmental Issue - Washington Post - 1/16
- Climate change threatens Pacific, Arctic conflicts - Scientific American - 1/6
- Paint it white - The Guardian - 1/16
- Revealed: The cement that eats carbon dioxide - The Guardian - 12/31
- Emission impossible - The Guardian - 1/15
Conferences / Events / Calls for Papers
- International Conference: CCS Regulation for the EU and China - Brussels, Feb 18-19 2009
- Biofuels in Asia: Call for Papers by Asian Development Bank and Elsevier, for Applied Energy
- UNCTAD Organizing Expert Meeting on Maritime Transport and Climate Change
Reports / Papers / Publications
- ENV releases Toolkit: Policy And Institutional Reforms To Support Climate Change
- New SEI Report: A Review of Offset Programs: Trading Systems, Funds, Protocols, Standards and Retailers
- Study on innovation in climate change mitigation technology - OECD / CERNA
- New book on climate change and WTO law
- Leveraging private investments in climate change mitigation - German Devel. Institute
- Time for CBA to engage with the livelihoods literature? - IDS Bulletin
- Assets and adaptation: an emerging debate - Prowse and Scott (of ODI) - IDS Bulletin
- Child voices: children of Nepal speak out on climate change adaptation
- Microfinance and climate change adaptation – IDS Bulletin
- Financing climate change adaptation in developing countries: current picture and future possibilities
Other News Articles
- Deforestation and extinction: Second life - The Economist - 1/17
- Canada: A sticky ending for the tar sands - The Economist - 1/17
- Hybrids & Electic Cars: Bright sparks - The Economist - 1/15
On the Wire
- Economy: FINANCE: U.N. economists see global pain, tough recovery - Greenwire - 1/15
- United Nations: 'This is the year of climate change'--secretary-general - Greenwire - 1/13
- Impacts: King tide 'reminds of risks of rising sea levels' - Sydney Morning Herald - 1/13
- Innovation: X Prize makes bid to lure major carmakers - Greenwire - 1/12
- Agriculture: Field to Market: The Keystone Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture
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