- US climate-research shake-up recommended - Nature - 3/5/09
- Italy plans nuclear plants in cooperation with France - Nature - 3/5/09
- European disarray on transgenic crops - Nature - 3/5/09
- The climate to get things done - Nature - 3/5/09
- EARTH MONITORING: Loss of Carbon Observatory Highlights Gaps in Data - Science - 3/6/09
- ECOLOGY: Warming Up Food Webs - Science - 3/6/09
- ENGINEERING: Infrastructure Design Issues in Disaster-Prone Regions - Science - 3/6/09
- Drought Sensitivity of the Amazon Rainforest - Science - 3/6/09
- Methane stocks in tropical hydropower reservoirs as a potential energy source - Climatic Change - 3/09
- Misperceptions of global climate change: information policies - Climatic Change - 3/09
- National forest carbon inventories: policy needs and assessment capacity - Climatic Change - 3/09
- Climate change impacts on fish catch in the world fishing grounds - Climatic Change - 3/09
- Quantitative evaluation of climatic variability and risks for wheat yield in India - Climatic Change - 3/ 09
- Turbulent times - Global Environmental Change - 2/09
- Normalizing adaptation - Global Environmental Change - 2/09
- Increasing world consumption of beef as a driver of regional and global change: A call for policy action based on evidence from Queensland (Australia), Colombia and Brazil - Global Environmental Change - 2/ 09
- Future cereal production in China: The interaction of climate change, water availability and socio-economic scenarios - Global Environmental Change - 2/ 09
- Boulder considers carbon tax increase - Green Inc blogs - 3/11/09
- Amid Hard Times, A View From Off the Grid - Green Inc blogs - 3/11/09
- At home with the energy detective - Green Inc blogs - 3/10/09
- Cost is chief barrier to clean coal - Green Inc blogs - 3/9/09
- Wind-Power Record for Spain - Green Inc blogs - 3/6/09
- E.P.A. Proposes Tracking Industry Emissions - NY Times - 3/10/09
- Climate change transforming rainforests into major carbon emitters, warn scientists - Guardian UK - 3/11/09
- Amazon could shrink by 85% due to climate change, scientists say - Guardian UK - 3/11/09
- £50bn of European investment needed to kick-start Saharan solar plan - Guardian UK - 3/11/09
- China's approach to tree-planting cannot get us out of the climate crunch - Guardian UK - 3/11/09
- Climate Change Makes Refugees in Bangladesh - Scientific American - 3/3/09
- How Climate Change Is Making Refugees in Bangladesh - Scientific American - 3/9/09
- Can "Assisted Migration" Save Species from Global Warming? - Scientific American - 3/09
- The Next Generation of Biofuels - Scientific American - 4/09
- America and climate change. Cap and binge – The Economist – March 12 09
- America and climate change. Sins of emission – The Economist – March 12 09
- Climatology and historical conflicts. Historical determinism – The Economist – March 12 09
- Sea level rise. A sinking feeling – The Economist – March 12 09
- Science and the president. A new era of integrity, sort of – The Economist – March 12 09
- The global crisis and the poor. The toxins trickle downward – The Economist – March 12 09
- Global fish prdxn & consmption. Depths of bounty – The Economist (web) – March 2 2009
- AirCon vs. open windows in cars. Sweating the small stuff – The Economist (web) – March 9 09
- MEA No.64 - Earth Negotiations Bulletin – IISD – on UNEP, Europe+CIS, Migration, etc. - Feb 27
- “SD-L” New forum for Communicating Sustainable Development - ISSD
- Environmental Social & Health Impact Assessment Workshop - 24-25 March 2009 Lagos Nigeria
- CASCADe initiative (CC and agriculture, forestry, bioenergy) - DRCongo, Gabon, Cameroon – UNEP/FFEM
- Impacts: Beetles turning Canadian carbon sink into emitter - ClimateWire - 3/12/09
- Technology: Gore says the Internet needs a new '.eco' domain - ClimateWire - 3/11/09
- Impacts: As warming winds shift, so does the food chain - ClimateWire - 3/13/09
- Synergies: 5. ENERGY POLICY: Murkowski calls for separate energy, climate bills as panel explores water issues - E&E Daily - 3/9/09
- Impacts: U.S. and China most exposed to costs of climate-related disasters - ClimateWire - 3/13/09
- Climate Skepticism: Climate skeptics rally for another attack, perhaps their last - ClimateWire - 3/10/09
- Technology: Some energy storage solutions may be 'game changers,' industry leaders say - ClimateWire - 3/13/09
- Impacts: Changing the carbon cycle of eastern U.S. forests, one hemlock at a time - ClimateWire - 3/11/09
- Buildings: How green can a building be? Round 2 - ClimateWire - 3/11/09
- Climate-L Guest Article: Focusing Two Climate Agendas Under One Priority: Mitigation, Adaptation and Resilience through Water
- Climate-L Policy Update: An Overview of the Multilateral Climate Negotiations
- CLIMATE-L.ORG Daily Feed – Wednesday, 25 February 2009
- CLIMATE-L.ORG Daily Feed – Thursday, 26 February 2009
- CLIMATE-L.ORG Daily Feed – Friday, 27 February 2009
- CLIMATE-L.ORG Daily Feed – Monday, 2 March 2009
- CLIMATE-L.ORG Daily Feed – Wednesday, 4 March 2009
- CLIMATE-L.ORG Daily Feed – Thursday, 5 March 2009
- CLIMATE-L.ORG Daily Feed – Friday, 6 March 2009
- CLIMATE-L.ORG Daily Feed –Monday, 9 March 2009
- CLIMATE-L.ORG Daily Feed –Tuesday, 10 March 2009
- CLIMATE-L.ORG Daily Feed – Wednesday, 11 March 2009
- Ceres/Pac.Inst report “Water Scarcity & Climate Change: Growing Risks for Businesses and Investors” - February 26, 2009
- Canadian Communities Guidebook For Adaptation To Climate Change incl mitigation co-benefits
- Book. Corporate Responses to Climate Change: Achieving Emissions Reductions through Regulation, Self-regulation and Economic Incentives
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