- Smart thinking: The US electricity grid needs to evolve and requires fresh standards of communication. - Nature - 3/12/09
- Delicate balance: China's autocratic approach to environmental issues may not always reap the desired rewards. - Nature - 3/12/09
- GEOLOGY: How Much Coal Remains? - Science - 3/13/09
- RESOURCE POLICY: Wood Energy in America - Science - 3/13/09
- CLIMATE CHANGE: Shifting Westerlies - Science - 3/13/09
- Indonesia to sell carbon credits to conserve forests - Nature - 3/12/09
- Storing carbon in forests - Nature - 3/12/09
- Carbon cycle: Fickle trends in the ocean - Nature - 3/12/09
- Assessing dangerous climate change through an update of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) “reasons for concern” - PNAS - 3/18/09
- Europe's green billions - Nature - 3/19/09
- America's long hard road to climate-change law - Nature - 3/19/09
- Yale climate-change institute launched - Nature - 3/19/09
- Maths mistake blamed for killing off 'clean coal' plant - 3/19/09
- Soundbites from Copenhagen - Nature - 3/19/09
- Explaining agricultural collapse: Macro-forces, micro-crises and the emergence of land use vulnerability in southern Romania - Global Environmental Change - 2/09
- Spatial variation of crop yield response to climate change in East Africa - Global Environmental Change - 2/09
- Reducing climate risk for micro-insurance providers in Africa: A case study of Ethiopia - Global Environmental Change - 2/09
- The Livelihood Vulnerability Index: A pragmatic approach to assessing risks from climate variability and change—A case study in Mozambique - Global Environmental Change - 2/09
- Addressing human vulnerability to climate change: Toward a ‘no-regrets’ approach - Global Environmental Change - 2/09
- Climate change: Motivation for taking measure to adapt - Global Environmental Change - 2/09
- Climate change, migration and adaptation in Funafuti, Tuvalu - Global Environmental Change - 2/09
- Application of the UKCIP02 climate change scenarios: Reflections and lessons learnt - Global Environmental Change - 2/ 09
- More Carbon Capture Could Help Environment,But Hurdles Remain – Wall Street Journal – 19 March
- Connecting Science and Policy to Combat Climate Change – Scientific American – 17 March
- The Maldives, threatened by drowning due to climate change, set to go carbon-neutral – Scientific American – 16 March
- Insurers Must Disclose Climate-Change Exposure – Wall Street Journal – 18 March
- In Silt, Bangladesh Sees Potential Shield Against Sea Level Rise – New York Times – 20 March
- Voluntary climate programs may get a face-lift under cap and trade – New York Times – 19 March
- Scientists are grim, economists more optimistic about climate change's effects – New York Times – March 19
- Climate Migrants Flock to City in Bangladesh – New York Times – 16 March
- China: Importers need to share blame for emissions – Washington Post – 16 March
- Opinion. What was the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference really about? – Mike Hulme, Univ. E. Anglia
- Obama erred on key cap-and-trade features, economists say – New York Times – March 13
- Europe 'living beyond its means' when it comes to water use – New York Times – 18 March
- Nuclear power. The critical issue of safety – The Economist – 19 March
- Land rights in Peru. Whose jungle is it? – The Economist – 19 March
- A Chinese eco-city. City of dreams – The Economist – 19 March
- Agriculture and global food markets. Green shoots – The Economist – 19 March
- Smart electric grids. Smart move – The Economist – 19 March
- LED light bulbs. A brilliant new approach – The Economist – 19 March
- Climate-L Guest article. Food Insecurity and Climate Change: Uncertain Times and Tough Choices - United Nations task force on food crisis
- Copenhagen: Carbon market players see a distant glimmer of a global carbon market - ClimateWire - 3/19/08
- Impacts: Continent has a history of big melts, studies find - ClimateWire - 3/19/09
- Tipping Points: Scientists fear 'tipping points' of severe global warming - ClimateWire - 3/18/09
- Innovation: A plan for free trade in emissions-reducing technologies - ClimateWire - 3/19/09
- Markets: Voluntary climate programs may get a face-lift under cap and trade - ClimateWire - 3/19/09
- CCS: EPA board examines a 'nuclear' option to cover risks of burying CO2 - ClimateWire - 3/18/09
- Insurance: Industry regulators vote to impose new climate rules - ClimateWire - 3/18/09
- CLIMATE-L.ORG Daily Feed – Friday, 13 March 2009
- CLIMATE-L.ORG Daily Feed – Monday, 16 March 2009
- CLIMATE-L.ORG Daily Feed – Tuesday, 17 March 2009
- CLIMATE-L.ORG Daily Feed – Wednesday, 18 March 2009
- CLIMATE-L.ORG Daily Feed – Thursday, 19 March 2009
- CLIMATE-L.ORG Daily Feed – Friday, 20 March 2009
- Study: Energy efficiency in buildings in China: policies, barriers and opportunities – German Dev Inst.
- Call for papers: Preparations for a Low-Carbon Future - St Antony's International Review (STAIR), Oxford U.
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