Climate change in the news (Oct 12 - Oct 16, 2009)
- WRAP UP 2-World needs big drive for carbon capture-IEA - Reuters
- India seen as vulnerable to global warming impact - The Economic Times
- Emerging economies can still prosper while cutting emissions - The Independent
- Oceans seen as new front to fight climate change - Reuters
- UN panel head sees wiggle room for global climate deal - Reuters
- U.S. ‘Deeply Committed’ to Solving Climate Change (Update1) - Bloomberg
- Africa wants polluters to pay for climate change - AFP
- World Bank to give Nigeria, South Africa 200m dollars to tackle climate change - This Day (Nigeria)
- Kashmir's main glacier "melting at alarming speed" - Reuters
- FAO says climate change to reduce food output up to 30 percent by 2050 - Xinhua News Agency
- Voluntary CO2 market not netting emissions cuts - Reuters
- World Bank Looks to Help Developing Nations With Carbon Capture and Storage - The New York Times
- UN panel head sees wiggle room for global climate deal - Reuters
- EU attacks carbon border tax initiative - The Financial Times
- Use of Forests as Carbon Offsets Fails to Impress In First Big Trial
- Project in Bolivia Keeps Trees Standing But Has Little Clear Effect on Emissions - The Washington Post
- Arctic to be ice-free in summer in 20 yrs-scientist - Reuters
- Law change needed to cover climate exiles - lawyers - Reuters
- Carbon emissions must peak by 2015: UN scientist - AFP
- The Road to Copenhagen - The New York Times
- Bangkok blues - The Economist
- Climate deal hopes boosted - The Financial Times
- Pacific islands meet over climate change plan - AFP
- WB offers $200-M grant for emission reduction - Business World
- Why people are chilled by warming - The Globe and Mail
- CEOs no longer refute climate change - Reuters
- INTERVIEW-India says flexible on climate deal - Reuters
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