Climate change in the news (Oct 5 - Oct 9, 2009)
- Op-Ed: Green Neocolonialism - The New York Times
- IEA call to make emissions slump permanent - The Financial Times
- UN climate chief hails Bangkok talks - AFP
- Giants in Cattle Industry Agree to Help Fight Deforestation - The New York Times
- EU-Brazil: poor nations need aid for climate deal - Associated Press Newswires
- China leads accusation that rich nations are trying to sabotage climate treaty - The Guardian
- Global economic crisis to slash carbon emissions: IEA - AFP
- Locals Try Sinking Plan to Store CO2 Underground - The Wall Street Journal
- Brazil urged to lead the way at climate summit - The Financial Times
- UN forest scheme is invitation to corruption, experts warn: Up to $30bn a year may go to protected forest owners Potential for criminality is vast, says Interpol - The Guardian
- Roundup: New UN report: Cities not adequately equipped to tackle global challenges of rapid urbanization, consequences of climate change - Xinhua News
- Rich, poor nations divided over climate solutions - The Associated Press
- African farmers suffer hardship as climate worsens - Reuters
- EU to Propose Carbon Tax on Energy Products - The Wall Street Journal
- Climate change adds to humanitarian risks-aid group - Reuters
- ICTs vital to deal with climate change, says UN chief - The Xinhua News
- Climate change threatens many in Mekong region-WWF - Reuters
- Rich nations trying to kill Kyoto pact, says China - Reuters
- News Analysis - New Script for India on Climate Change - The New York Times
- Climate change hits poor countries hardest: World Bank - AFP
- Climate change talks fail to break impasse - The Financial Times
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