An Egypt blog in The Economist on 'the battle of fictitious facts' talks about the wildly disparate narratives coming out of Cairo as the streets seeth and the death toll mounts.
Natsuko Waki writes in Reuters about a recovery in developed markets, the 'Great Rotation' out of bonds and flight from emerging markets.
Is China fudging vital macreconomic data? Business Insider Australia covers new research by Christopher Balding of HSBC School of Business at Peking University about how China added $1 trillion to its economy by fudging data.
David Theroux writes in The Independent about a recent Bono speech where he says capitalism pulls more people out of poverty than aid.
Devex, a development gateway website, writes about the views of Kevin Watkins of ODI on Jim Kim's 'science of delivery' and ponders where the roles of politics and governance come into play.
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