Published on Let's Talk Development

Friday Roundup: Chronic poverty, remittances, debating inequality, water worries and agriculture, and gender in Africa

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A report by ODI, "The Chronic Poverty Report 2014-2015:The Road to Zero Extreme Poverty," provides an impoverishment index to help countries determine which priorities will pull their citizens out of poverty.

'Remittances and Vulnerability in Developing Countries,' a new World Bank Policy Research Working Paper by Giulia Bettin, Andrea F. Presbitero, and Nikola Spatafora, examines how international remittances are affected by structural characteristics, macroeconomic conditions, and adverse shocks in both source and recipient economies.

A CATO Institute blog critiques a recent IMF staff note on inequality by Andrew Berg and Jonathan Ostry.

The advocacy group ONE has a joyful video of Ugandan women lip syncing a popular song on world happiness day (Mar 20).

The United Nations has launched the World Water Development Report 2014, which focuses on energy and water crisis.

Melinda Gates writes in Project Syndicate on 'Closing Africa's Agricultural Gender Gap.' 

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