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Friday Roundup: Ebola, World Economy in One Chart, Extremism, and Recognizing Humanitarians

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Ebola's deadly spread is sobering, but luckily there are seasoned international health experts, as well as brave doctors and nurses mobilized to battle it. Senior UN System Coordinator for Ebola Virus Disease, David Nabarro, was interviewed by the UN News Centre about efforts to contain unprecedented outbreak in West Africa and had some valuable insights, not least of all that survivors of Ebola are the best champions in tackling the virus.
An inspiring personal story is that of Nahid Bhadelia, epidemiologist at the Boston Medical Center who was featured in the Boston Globe just ahead of a mission to Liberia.

More darkly, a piece in New Scientist explains how the battle against the virus is being hindered by rumors and bogus cures. 
USA Today reports that an experimental treatment for Marburg virus -- a close cousin to Ebola -- may be efficacious for people exhibiting Ebola symptoms. 
Vox ran a piece titled ‘The WB summed up the entire world economy in one chart.’ It reproduces a bar graph from the final 2011 ICP report, Purchasing Power Parities and Real Expenditures of World Economies.

'Welcome to Extremistan' is the title of a Foreign Policy article exploring the alarming spread of terrorism and unrest in the Middle East --
On World Humanitarian Day, former Australian Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, calls for greater access to education as a critical element of humanitarian response.

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