Submit questions on East Asian and Pacific economy for Nov. 12 online chat

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ImageThe World Bank’s latest economic assessment of developing countries in the East Asia and Pacific region, released a week ago, came to some interesting conclusions and attempted to answer a lot of questions on a complex subject. Notably, the report’s authors pointed to the major role China has played in the region’s swift rebound from the crisis.

Later this week, two World Bank economists will be answering your questions about the report in a live online chat. On Thursday, Nov. 12, at 10:00 a.m. Washington DC time (15:00 GMT or 11:00 p.m. Beijing time), join Ivailo Izvorski, lead economist and author of the report, and Vikram Nehru, Chief Economist for the East Asia and Pacific region to send questions and read their answers. You’re strongly encouraged to submit your questions in advance.

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