The Articles of Agreements were signed by His Excellency Fathulla Jameel, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Maldives to the United Nations. At that time, Maldives had a GDP per capita of just over $200 and had achieved independence only 13 years prior.
2. First project signing
Photo Credit: World Bank Group Archives
The project helped mechanize fishing craft, established repair centers, and installed navigational aids to increase the safety of fishing operations.
Those present for the signing from left to right, Said El-Naggar, Executive Director of the World Bank for Maldives, His Excellency Ahamed Zaki, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Maldives to the United Nations, and Robert Picciottto, Projects Director for South Asia.
It helped expand and improve secondary education by broadening access and increasing the planning and management capacity of the Ministry of Education.
The project financed scholarships for young people to study overseas created Science Education Centers with fellowships and created secondary education opportunities in the atolls.
Since then, the World Bank has continued to be engaged with improving the access and quality of primary, secondary and tertiary education throughout the country, reflected in increasing levels of educational attainment and achievement.
The program also demonstrated how the Bank can convene with other partner and provide emergency support on a combination grant and credit basis through establishing and administering the Tsunami Relief and Reconstruction Fund (TRRF).
The protected areas include the marine area contained within the Exclusive Economic Zone. Since then, the World Bank has continued supporting the preservation and management of the natural environment of the Maldives through technical and lending support as the country contends with increasing population, tourism and solid waste management.
Now and Toward the Future…
The current active portfolio of the World Bank in the Maldives consists of 4 projects amounting of $82 million. Areas of support include fisheries, solid waste management, renewable energy and public financial management. The portfolio is supported by three IDA investments and one guarantee; as well as one investment supported by a trust fund from the
Strategic Climate Fund - Scaling up Renewable Energy Program.
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