Published on Investing in Health

Ebola: “Huge Economic Costs” If Epidemic Not Contained

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Ebola: Economic Impact Already Serious; Could Be “Catastrophic”

A new World Bank Group analysis finds that if the Ebola epidemic continues to surge in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone, its economic impact could deal a catastrophic blow to the already fragile countries. However, swift national and international responses can limit the costs. Listen to World Bank Group President Jim Kim discuss the Ebola crisis and response in the video above, or read his latest post on LinkedIn.

In addition to releasing today’s economic analysis, the World Bank Group yesterday announced a $105 million grant for faster epidemic containment in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.  With funds from the World Bank, UNICEF this week delivered 100 metric tons of urgently needed drugs and equipment worth more than $1.7 million, for the treatment of people who have contracted Ebola in Sierra Leone.

For the latest updates on the Bank Group’s emergency response to the crisis, read our fact sheet.


Julia Ross

Senior Communications Officer

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