This week, the World Bank’s President and Vice President for Human Development weigh in on COVID-19’s impact on the institution’s health operations and goals. Global health experts examine the links between nutrition and the coronavirus, how universal health coverage is critical to fighting the pandemic, and how COVID-19 threatens to exacerbate health outcomes in Armenia. New findings are showing devastating secondary health impacts for women and children caused by COVID-19.
COVID-19 response, new research on human capital, and looking ahead to our Annual Meetings | Blog
David Malpass, President of the World Bank Group, writes that as part of the COVID-19 response, the World Bank is also working on the secondary effects of the health impact and are committed to the fair and equitable distribution of any potential vaccines.
The World Bank’s response to COVID-19: Protect and invest in people | Blog
Mamta Murthi, the World Bank’s Vice President for Human Development, writes that hard-won gains in health over the past decade—highlighted in our new Human Capital Index 2020 Update—are at risk as essential services and household incomes crumble. The World Bank’s emergency health response ($6.6 billion as of mid-September) is now covering 111 countries, helping countries to contain the pandemic and ensuring that vulnerable households have access to preventive and essential health, water and sanitation services.
Obesity and COVID-19: A renewed call to address a growing crisis | Blog
Being obese increases the risk of premature death by almost 50%. It also doubles the risk of hospitalization from COVID-19 and could reduce the effectiveness of a COVID-19 vaccine. With some of the highest obesity rates in the world, these findings are of particular concern for Saudi Arabia and Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states as they grapple with coronavirus outbreaks.
COVID-19 and the case for universal health coverage: Staying the course to deliver health for all | Blog
The COVID-19 pandemic creates an urgency to turn rhetoric into action, and an opportunity to deliver health for all. The global community must seize this moment to reinvigorate momentum towards achieving UHC.
For COVID and Coverage: Financing Reforms are Critical for Better Health in Armenia | Blog
Out-of-pocket payments accounted for 85% of total health spending in Armenia in 2017. While the state currently guarantees coverage for all COVID-related care, more needs to be done so that financial barriers do not facilitate spread of the disease. Strategic purchasing, and health financing reforms will be critical.
New findings confirm global disruptions in essential health services for women and children from COVID-19 | Press Release
Essential health services for women and children in many lower-income countries are being disrupted by COVID-19, according to new findings released by the Global Financing Facility for Women, Children and Adolescents (GFF), using the most extensive quantifiable data available to date.
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