- Betsy Levy Paluck offers thoughts on the replication debate in psychology, some discussion on what she is doing in her own work to ensure replicability, and two nice recommendations: 1) change the tenor of discussion (to her horror she thinks economists are playing more nicely than psychologists here “Are we really being taught a lesson in manners from economists? Is that happening?”; and 2) slow down and take a bit longer to do research in a way where you think more carefully about replication throughout the process.
- Speaking of the need to slow down, perhaps the FT could have heeded Treebeard’s advice before trumpeting failure to replicate Piketty - he offers a substantive response here, with an excellent post in the Guardian noting the problems with the FT critique are mostly due to not taking account of discontinuities caused by changes in measurement.
- In Science this week, Gertler, Heckman, the World Bank’s Christel Vermeersch, and other co-authors look at the long-term impacts of early childhood stimulation in Jamaica – measuring the impact 20 years later on labor market outcomes – they managed to re-interview 105 of the 129 participants and find the intervention boosts earnings by 20%.
- In a new CGAP note, Bob Cull and co-authors summarize the evidence on different interventions designed to increase financial inclusion.
- Interview with Johannes Haushofer on the psychology of poverty.
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