· At bigthink.com - Does abstinence help kids stay in school? The difficulties of inference from observational studies.
· Gabriel Demombynes summarizes a recent debate on the Millennium Villages project evaluation at the World Bank’s Africa Can blog
· The IPA blog has a great wrap-up of recent blog critiques and discussion of the role of randomized experiments.
· Bill Savedoff gives answers to the main objections to doing impact evaluations at the CGD blog.
· The call for papers for the NEUDC 2011 development economics conference at Yale is now open.
· Can evidence play a role in the fight against policy or does politics always win?- slides from Esther Duflo’s recent World Bank lecture.
· A paper I will discuss on Monday notes that the U.S. Dept. of Education founded the Institute of Education Sciences, with a primary focus on running experiments and an annual budget of $700 million – their website has a find what works clearinghouse summarizing the results of these evaluations.
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