Published on Development Impact

Friday links: Facebook game theory, finding a job, systematic reviews and more

This page in:

·         Could empirical game theory be revolutionized by Facebook? Microsoft researchers are using Facebook to study strategic behavior in games with 1000+ participants (Forbes).

·         French speakers – the World Bank has a short-term position to coordinate several impact evaluations in Togo. See here for details.

·         3ie has now launched a database of systematic reviews – already a huge number of them are up – would be interested to hear from people who are experts in some of the subtopics reviewed how good you think these reviews are. Health and education topics are the most common topics.

·         Jonathan Bauchet and Jonathan Morduch have a summary note discussing RCTs in microfinance at the Financial Access Initiative.

·         Here again is my post on whether development projects need stopping rules which I absentmindedly put up on Columbus Day and thus didn’t generate the discussion I was hoping for.

·         Finally, for those of you going on the job market this year, John Cawley has an updated 2011-12 version of comprehensive advice for the academic market in the IZA working paper series.


David McKenzie

Lead Economist, Development Research Group, World Bank

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