· The old linear probability model versus probit debate gets another run with a post by Angrist and Pischke, in response to a pro-probit post by Dave Giles.
· Given how much I hate meetings I appreciated the Steve Jobs approach to meetings (keep them small and short, throw out the least necessary person at the table, and no spectators); and Dilbert’s retort on brainstorming sessions.
· The New York Times’ Dot Earth blog covers the Gates Summit on family planning and discusses one of Berk’s old posts on whether there is an unmet need for family planning.
· Marina Adshade has a couple of interesting posts (part 1, part 2) examining the impact of the availability of online dating on how people search for a partner – interesting hypotheses about it increasing reservation values so much that people potentially become too picky – but cries out for an experiment or at least more empirical evidence.
· The boom in biostatistics covered by Stanford Medicine – discusses issues like reducing false positive rates when dealing with massive numbers of tests like in gene arrays; and new approaches to automate clinical trials.
· If you want to see some of the newest research on migration and development, the recent fifth annual AFD/World Bank/CGD conference on migration and development is a good place to look – the program and many of the papers are now available online.
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