· Job Opening at the World Bank for an experienced Impact Evaluator: Manager of the DIME unit. “In view of the rapidly expanding IE work program and related human and budgetary resources managed by the DIME unit, Bank management has decided to establish the position of Manager, DIME unit”. Job listing is here.
· Call for papers NORFACE migration conference: This is a large interdisciplinary conference on migration to be held in London next April. The last one was very good, and I am one of the invited speakers again this time, along with François Bourguignon, Jagdish Bhagwati, David Card, Kaivan Munshi, Giovanni Peri and several other experts. Call for papers is here.
· On VoxEU, a claim by Anders Olosfgard that the combination of political short-sightedness and RCTs can make for a deadly mix for aid effectiveness. The argument is that RCTs reinforce an existing political bias towards projects with verifiable short-term outcomes at the expense of institutional development. No evidence is given for this claim, but there is “proof” by a multiple-task principal agent model...
· Ezra Klein covers a new study finding no impact of Facebook advertising on political candidates (h/T @cdsamii).
· Berk’s work on CCTs is among the studies summarized by Amanda Glassman in a post summarizing the impacts of cash transfer programs on HIV/AIDS.
· Coverage of Xavi Gine and Dean Yang’s work on using fingerprinting of borrowers in Malawi to improve repayment on biometricupdate.com.
· Coverage of Felipe Kast, Stephan Meier and Dina Pomeranz’s paper on the use of peer groups to foster savings in Chile on Business Insider.
· Call for Papers: Ideas4Work: Youth Employability and Entrepreneurship in Africa conference: Researchers are invited to present at the event by submitting abstracts for recently completed research (preliminary results are welcome) on youth employment in Africa. The final deadline to submit abstracts is Monday, October 29 2012 .
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