· There is a promising sounding new blog about replication in Political Science. This week a post on how to get a masters degree for a replication discusses many of the things done to make a good replication. Also a summary of some of the social science examples of this week’s Twitter fun on #overlyhonestmethods.
· In a new NBER working paper, David Card and Stefano DellaVigna provide Nine Facts about Top Journals: Papers are getting longer and fewer of them are getting published - papers in Development and International Economics published since 1990 are more highly cited than older (pre‐1990) papers in these fields, whereas recent papers in Econometrics and Theory are less cited than older papers in these fields. Here is an interesting graph showing how top journals have started publishing more development papers – the light blue- (but not enough more!)
· Call for Papers: Summer conference on Survey research in Developing Countries, to be held in Slovenia.
· Foreign Policy on the Myth of Africa’s Rise – a claim that it’s not development if there is no industrialization. Coming from a developed country whose main exports are dairy products, meat, wood, and hobbit movies, I beg to differ…
· The Washington Post summarizes a new $45 million Gates project on finding good teachers in the U.S. “They used all that data to identify teachers who seemed effective. And then they randomly assigned students to those teachers for an academic year. The teachers who seemed to be effective were, in fact, able to repeat those successes with different students in different years, the researchers found. Their students not only scored well on standardized exams but also were able to handle more complicated tests of their conceptual math knowledge and reading and writing abilities.”
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