An exciting new place for lots of discussion on policy issues in development economics – this week VoxDev launched. Some of the opening posts include:
- Banerjee and Kala on the effects of India’s demonetarization
- Glaeser on housing bubbles in China
- Goldberg and Pavcnik on globalization in developing countries
- Dupas on delivering health subsidies in developing countries
- Acemoglu and Restrespo on the race between humans and machines for jobs
- The Economist on why no one knows how many Nigerians there are.
- Three-week free online course on transparency taught by Ted Miguel and Garret Christensen, starting July 10.
- A challenge to prospect theory? From Stanford GSB, work showing that people opt for certain losses in the present over uncertain, but possibly larger, losses in the future; as well as concrete losses and gains in the future over uncertain gains and losses in the present. (h/t Dave Evans)
- As summer starts, research showing how people are less prosocial – less helpful and friendly, when it gets hot
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