Published on Development Impact

Weekly links June 5: pretty tables, measuring learning remotely, new survey results, and more…

This page in:

·       Sample code and examples of Stata tables to accompany last week’s blog post on making tables in Stata.

·       Over at the CGD blog, Noam Angrist and co-authors summarize a new working paper on measuring learning by phone, and offer some principals and quick tips for doing so.

·       J-PAL is running a free ExecEd Evaluating Social Programs webinar series, which will take place June 8-12, 2020, from 11am-12:30pm EDT daily.

·       Esther Duflo’s salute to MIT’s advanced degree recipients – and how to find inspiration from the children’s book Dog-Man.

·       Q&A with Amy Finkelstein about the AER Insights journal.

·       More Covid survey results: Mahreen Mahmud and Emma Riley present results from a phone survey of just over 1,000 rural households in Uganda. They had done an in-person baseline in March, before the lockdown, and then were able to re-interview 85% by phone 2 months later, and find a 60% decline in non-farm income, which households respond to by cutting back on food spending, drawing down their savings, and increasing labor supply on their farms.

·       Video of Chris Udry’s recent virtual development seminar on selection into credit markets and learning returns to grants and loans among farmers in Mali


David McKenzie

Lead Economist, Development Research Group, World Bank

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