· Sample code and examples of Stata tables to accompany last week’s blog post on making tables in Stata.
· Over at the CGD blog, Noam Angrist and co-authors summarize a new working paper on measuring learning by phone, and offer some principals and quick tips for doing so.
· J-PAL is running a free ExecEd Evaluating Social Programs webinar series, which will take place June 8-12, 2020, from 11am-12:30pm EDT daily.
· Esther Duflo’s salute to MIT’s advanced degree recipients – and how to find inspiration from the children’s book Dog-Man.
· Q&A with Amy Finkelstein about the AER Insights journal.
· More Covid survey results: Mahreen Mahmud and Emma Riley present results from a phone survey of just over 1,000 rural households in Uganda. They had done an in-person baseline in March, before the lockdown, and then were able to re-interview 85% by phone 2 months later, and find a 60% decline in non-farm income, which households respond to by cutting back on food spending, drawing down their savings, and increasing labor supply on their farms.
· Video of Chris Udry’s recent virtual development seminar on selection into credit markets and learning returns to grants and loans among farmers in Mali
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