- Tim Bartik offers a detailed response in the comments to my recent blog post on Bartik/shift-share instruments.
- a new release of ietoolkit is up on SSC. Type [ssc install ietoolkit, replace] on Stata to update. New features include: options to display normalized differences and an F-test for joint orthogonality in iebaltab and additions to iegitaddmd and iematch.
- The econthatmatters blog has a recap of different sessions at the Midwest International Economic Development conference.
- Using photos and machine learning to cheaply measure height of people in surveys – a nice data blog
- Rachel Strom shares her experiences as a graduate student with depression – which hopefully can help others experiencing similar issues.
- On the IDB’s development that works blog – a case where a null effect for using laptops may still (under lots of assumptions) be cost effective – replacing textbooks with laptops led to no change in outcomes, but could be cheaper if enough textbooks could be digitalized, and if textbooks need to get updated frequently and laptops less frequently (lots of ifs here it seems).
- VoxDev has a 2 minute video with me discussing the business competition work I did in Nigeria – I think they did a nice job providing graphics to illustrate the points I was making.
- Reminder: Applications for SIEF’s call for proposals focused on nimble evaluations are due May 30. Please see here for more information, including FAQs.
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