- NBER Summer institute development economics program and labor studies program.
- The map of “Manuscript-Earth” featuring “The pit of you saved those files, right? Right?”, “confused about the big picture woods”, “The island of misfit results” and other glorious landmarks (h/t Dave Evans).
- Do you say “no” enough to new projects? Anton Pottegard has a nice poster of 8 practical tools to assist in saying no – including JOMO (joy of missing out) – “once a project is turned down, set time aside to actively ponder about how happy you are not to be doing it” (h/t Scott Cunningham).
- Experimental cricket: at Ideas for India, Matt Lowe summarizes his job market paper on how being randomly assigned to a cricket team with other caste members increased cross-caste friendships (and not just with teammates).
- From VoxDev, a series on the role of the media in economic development, including Banerjee, La Ferrera and Orozco on using MTV to promote safer sexual practices among youth in Nigeria; David Yang on an experiment in China where students were given tools to bypass media censorship (“Nearly half of the students did not use the tools to bypass censorship at all. Among those who did, almost none spent time browsing foreign news websites that had been blocked.”...but “modest and temporary incentives to visit Western news outlets led to large and persistent increases in the acquisition of politically sensitive information.... it appears that they underestimated of the value of uncensored information”); and how the Chinese government uses social media.
- Leora Klapper’s policy research talk highlights findings from the latest Findex report on financial inclusion around the world (video, presentation).
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