- What you need to design an impact evaluation – The IDB blog highlights the different content to be found on their new IE portal.
- How looking at heterogeneous treatment effects and getting long-term data fundamentally changed how the results of an important impact evaluation are viewed – the Moving to Opportunity experiment reconsidered (part 1 and part 2)
- If the key result of your model or field experiment is ‘higher wages lead to better performance’, you’re not invited
- Marc Bellemare on the infamous rainfall instrument and whether it is really doing what you think it does
- Early experiences from the American Journal of Political Science’s new policy to externally verify the empirical work in every article before publication – so far 0/15 have been exactly replicated as is – but sounds like most issues pretty minor.
- Son preference and early childhood nutrition – Jayachandran and Pande in VoxEU discuss the puzzle of why Indian children are more stunted on average than African children, and why this isn’t true for the first-born.
- Job opening for survey work: the poverty global practice is looking for candidates interesting in supporting the implementation and analysis of a multi-country survey of Syrian refugees and hosting communities
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