- On the IPA blog, Rachel Glennerster and Claire Walsh argue that it’s time to rethink how we measure women’s household decision-making power in impact evaluations - congrats also to Rachel for being named DFID’s new chief economist.
- At VoxDev, Alaka Holla blogs about how IT training in Nigeria may have changed aspirations for women, and Natalie Bau and Jishnu Das on the market for teachers in Pakistan
- On the AfricaCan blog, Gautam Bastian and Sreelakshmi Papineni report on a test of whether quarterly or monthly cash payments work better for women in Nigeria – finding similar impacts for both.
- Tips from journal editors for young economists, summarizing a panel session at the European Economics Association.
- On the CGD blog, Justin Sandefur highlights early findings from their experiment on outsourcing schools to primary providers in Liberia – more learning, but at higher cost.
- Chris Blattman blogs about why he has stopped blogging… one of the reasons being that “few people read blogs anymore” – we hope that’s not the case!
- If you missed it, there was an interesting #econlife discussion on twitter this week where people shared experiences and helped answer questions on balancing a career as an economist with kids and family. Damon Jones summarizes.
- Job Opening: a research consortium known as GAGE (Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence) working on a new nine-year, five country evaluation is currently recruiting for a post-doc, who will be based at GWU.
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