Published on Jobs and Development

Joining efforts to tackle a global jobs crisis

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Jobs at the center of development

How is the World Bank helping countries create more and better jobs? Do we need new  strategies in the new world of work reshaped by new technologies and other global challenges? In this video interview with David Robalino, manager of the Jobs Group at the World Bank, we introduce two new partnerships for tackling the multi-pronged challenges of job creation in a comprehensive approach.

On the one hand, the new partnership with KNOMAD, the Global Knowledge Partnership on Migration and Development, will support connecting migration policies to labor policies. On the other hand, the new Partnership for Economic Inclusion (PEI) will link CGAP's financial programs for the poor to strategies that create jobs, making these programs more sustainable. These two new partnerships, together with other existing alliances such as Solutions for Youth Employment and Let's Work, will create new synergies in the shared goal of reducing poverty and improving job opportunities in developing countries.

Follow the World Bank Jobs Group on Twitter @wbg_jobs. 


Esteve Sala

Editor, Jobs and Development Blog

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