If you are looking for a good reading list before the summer ends, we’ve compiled a selection of five recent papers and publications that touch on jobs and changing landscape of labor markets. These recommended readings have one thing in common: they analyze the challenges ahead through different lenses. How is the labor market recovering after the economic crisis? Can life-long learning become workers’ strategy for upskilling in a digital economy? Have countries improved in reducing gender gap at work? What policies can support job creation?
Accelerating Workforce Development for the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Learning throughout life is a win-win for workers, companies, and countries’ economies. For individuals, life-long learning improves individual’s prospects and enriches their quality of life. For businesses, investing in workers’ skills makes sense too, since it promotes the skills needed to make them happier and more productive. According to this paper from the World Economic Forum Dialogue Series, at a time when the combination of robotics and artificial intelligence threatens the status quo of jobs and labor markets, life-long learning becomes the only way to go. You can read the full report here, as well as some of our posts about the impact of technology on jobs.
Gender differences in wages and leadership
ILO’s World Employment and Social Outlook – Trends 2017
The Fall of the Labor Share and the Rise of Superstar Firms
This paper studies the impact of technological change and a decline in the labor share of U.S. industries. A surge in superstar firms dominating key sectors of the economy may explain the decrease in the share of GDP going to labor. These leading firms account for large profit margins due to quickly capitalizing on technological change, and enjoy a greater share of an industry’s revenues. The decline in the labor share is driven by between-firm reallocation in sectors with the largest increase in product market concentration. Read the full report here.
2017 Employment Outlook in OECD Countries
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