Our Gender Data Portal is the World Bank Group’s comprehensive source for historical and current data disaggregated by sex. This data site brings together high-quality, curated data on women and men (and girls and boys) in an easy-to-use platform that covers a wide range of topics such as demography, education, health, economic opportunities, public life and decision-making, and agency. The Gender Data Portal is the go-to place for reliable data disaggregated by sex for countries and regions around the world.
Here are 5 things you can do in our Gender Data Portal:
- Easily access data
Time-series data can be downloaded by typing the name of the indicator of interest, exploring the list of indicators, through the data query in DataBank, and the Application Programing Indicators (APIs). Users can also download bulk versions of the database in Excel and CSV.
- Visualize and monitor gender gaps
The dashboards in the Gender Data Portal are organized according geographic regions, income groupings, and thematic areas: economic opportunities, health, education, public life and decision making and agency. Each dashboard provides a comparison of key indicators for women and men side-to-side, a list of featured indicators, and tracks progress over time on closing these critical gender gaps.
The Portal also has thematic dashboards featuring storyline content to help inspire users.
- Create interactive data visualizations
Users can easily visualize the correlation between indicators over the years using different types of charts, including an interactive bubble chart, a map, among others. Figures (and underlying data) can be downloaded and embedded into blog posts or websites.
- Explore data availability over time and across countries
The Portal includes a dashboard with the list of indicators in our database where users can see the number of countries with data per year.
The Portal also goes beyond providing the country and regional estimates. It also provides access to survey documentation and microdata through the Gender Data Navigator—so users can know the full scope of the underlying microdata.
- Access training materials and publications
The Gender Data Portal is not just about providing great data in an easy-to-use platform. The Portal also provides a range of links to training materials and guidance notes on gender statistics, with a focus on developing countries. Moreover, it has links to data-relevant publications to the latest efforts and initiatives to fill gender data gaps.
And many more additions come with a planned revamp for this year. We hope you visit the site, and that you let us know which parts or data you’d like to see more attention paid to!
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