President Jim Kim announced the release of a new data portal focused on gender issues at the recent “Closing the Gender Data Gap” conference, held in Washington DC on July 19. The website is a resource center for gender equality data, with statistics, tools and reference materials covering employment, access to productive activities, education, health, public life and decision making, human rights, and demographic outcomes for women and girls. As well as highlighting available data and indicators, the portal also helps to better see the data gaps that exist in this important area.
The portal provides country, regional and thematic dashboards, with key indicators displayed through interactive visualizations. Create your own tables, charts, and maps using the DataBank data retrieval system. Featured datasets and resources are drawn from the World Development Indicators, national statistical agencies, databases of United Nations Agencies, and surveys conducted of funded by the World Bank and are organized around eight modules:
- Thematic data featuring indicators related to dimensions of gender equality — economic structures and access to resources; education; health and related services; public life and decision-making; and human rights of women and girls;
- Regional data providing access to major statistics from UN agencies, regional commissions, and World Bank regional departments;
- Microdata for researchers, with gender-relevant microdata from surveys, and links to a repository of survey datasets;
- Tools for analysis, from eAtlas of Gender and ADePT Gender to Little Data Book on Gender and wbopendata Stata module;
- Monitoring progress with indicators selected to show country level performance on gender equality;
- World Bank lending data showing the extent to which World Bank projects are “gender-informed”
- Guidelines and training materials on a range of topics, from the broad rationale for collecting gender-relevant data to sector-specific guidelines;
- a “query data” function giving access to time-series indicators relevant for gender analysis, covering demographics, education, health, labor force, and political participation, with the ability to create and share maps, tables and charts.
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