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Release of World Development Indicators 2014

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WDI 2014

The 2014 edition of World Development Indicators (WDI) has just been released. WDI 2014 provides high-quality cross-country comparable statistics about development and people’s lives around the globe. The WDI suite of products can be accessed from, and include:

  • An update to the WDI database including notes and metadata explaining the relevance of the indicators for development, their source, and their methodology. Visit
  • Online tables: Over 90 tables presenting country and aggregate data organized into six main topics (world view, people, environment, economy, states and markets, and global links) providing both data and comprehensive “About the Data” explanations. These tables are automatically updated when the database is updated four times a year, and can be accessed and downloaded from
  • The WDI “DataFinder” application available in English, Spanish, French and Chinese, in tablet and mobile phone editions for both Android and iOS. The full text of the printed book is also included.
  • The WDI publication, containing highlight stories and other related information, will be available in May. To access the PDF file of the entire book, click here.

Some of the changes for 2014 include new indicators for severe wasting, disaggregated by sex; national estimates for labor force participation; ratios of employment to population; and unemployment. All revisions to indicators and related metadata are documented here.

For the full set of WDI products, visit, or contact the Development Data Group by sending an e-mail to

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