The World Bank's Development Data Group and the IFC recently joined forces to launch the Global Consumption Database, the most comprehensive dataset to date on consumer spending patterns in developing countries. The database, based on government surveys of more than one million households in more than 90 countries, will help companies discover untapped demand and design market research to evaluate business opportunities in emerging markets.
Companies seeking to explore inclusive business opportunities in developing countries can now see these 4.5 billion low-income consumers as potentially new customers, as well as develop diverse new sources of supply, strategic distribution, and retail partners.
The database's features include:
- Data on how 4.5 billion low-income consumers spend their income on food, housing, clothing, education, and other areas of consumption;
- Country-owned survey results that provide household and individual spending data for 107 products and services across 12 sectors in over 90 countries;
- Data available by country, rural or urban location, spending level (lowest, low, middle, and higher);
- For larger countries (Brazil, India, and South Africa), the dataset provides information by state or province; and
- Access to spending numbers, graphs, tables, and downloadable data for analysis.
The Global Consumption Database was released at the Shared Value Initiative Leadership Summit in New York City on May 13, 2014, where leaders from the private sector, civil society, and government organizations gathered to share their experiences in creating shared value between business and society.
For more information on the database, please visit
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