Want data about the world at your fingertips? Download the new World Bank Data Finder apps available for Android, Blackberry and iOS.

The new DataFinder app highlights the progress that’s been made at the Bank since the Open Data Initiative was launched in April 2010. For the first time, the Bank’s data are available to users on any of the three major mobile platforms - and in four languages.
Find data with DataFinder – and explore, analyze, and share.
- Over 1,200 indicators on development, from the World Development Indicators and Global Development Finance databases
- Browse by country, topic, or indicator
- Explore, analyze, compare, chart, and map
- Customize your query, and share with others by email or through social media channels like Facebook and Twitter
- Works seamlessly with your device in Chinese, English, French and Spanish
- Uses your data connection to get the latest data directly from our systems using our API
- Works offline, using a subset of data that it keeps on your device
With the release of the new DataFinder 3.0, the previous versions of DataFinder 2.0 and 2.5 will no longer be supported. Users who have the earlier versions should install the new DataFinder 3.0.
For more information, please see data.worldbank.org/apps.
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