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Call for Proposal: Link between internal migration and rural and urban development

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KNOMAD has been working on improving understanding on internal migration and urbanization. In 2014, KNOMAD worked on three aspects of internal migration: (i) drivers of internal migration, (ii) impact of internal migration, including on poverty reduction, and (iii) internal migration data. Some of the work is available as a KNOMAD Working Paper series and on KNOMAD website,  
In an effort to further enhance understanding on internal migration, the KNOMAD Thematic Working Group on Internal Migration and Urbanization plans to look into the link between internal migration and rural and urban development. It aims to identify good practices that help develop sustainable livelihoods and create jobs in rural and urban areas, while leveraging the internal migration process for poverty reduction and development.
Please find attached a Call for Proposal specifying the objectives and scope of the research, together with timelines.
If interested in joining this effort, please send a research proposal to C.R. Abrar (, Rosemary Vargas-Lundius (, copying Soonhwa Yi ( by February 23, 2015. A proposal should specify (i) motivation and the main research question, (ii) brief literature review, (iii) methodology, (iv) expected findings and their policy implications, (v) team composition and budget, and (vi) timeline.
Please share this call for proposals with other interested parties.


Dilip Ratha

Lead Economist and Economic Adviser to the Vice President of Operations, Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency, World Bank

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