I had the great pleasure of meeting Dennis Whittle and his wife Mari Kuraishi at a FLOW event on Saturday. Dennis and Mari launched the Development Marketplace while at the World Bank, then left and started GlobalGiving. GlobalGiving lets you donate directly to specific projects - such as PlayPumps. Turns out that Dennis is also in the blogosphere with Pulling for the Underdog. Other recent additions to the blogroll:
- It's Getting Hot in Here - dispatches from the global youth climate movement
- Credo Advisors - from a business ethics and corporate social reponsibility consulting firm (via CSR in China)
- D.I.Y. S.R.I. - do it yourself, socially responsible investing from a former buyside equity analyst
- Managing Globalization - Daniel Altman's blog at the International Herald Tribune, one of my favorites
- Pienso - another favorite, which I imagine you've seen by now
- Across the divide: analysis & anecdote from Africa - an interesting post-conflict blog that refuses to display correctly on the blogroll, thus is not technically on it
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