The privatization of water services has received scorching criticism, the argument being that the provision of water is much too important to be left to the private sector. However, a new book from CATO, “Water for Sale: How Business and the Market Can Resolve the World’s Water Crisis,” says quite opposite. I haven’t gotten my copy yet, but the publishers say:
“Segerfeldt reviews cases of privatization and shows that most claims of the anti-privatization lobby are unfounded... The very poor who are not connected to any water network have the most to gain from privatization since the rates they pay—12 times more on average than the price of network water— fall dramatically when private companies connect them to the network. Using statistical data Segerfeldt warns against the tragic consequences of paying heed to those who are driven by an anti-business ideological agenda rather than a desire to try policies that actually help the poor.”
Tyler Cowen praises the book and points out that “sometimes the easiest way to trade water is inside a tomato.”
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