In an effort to tame its red-tape jungle and lure foreign investors, new legislation in India looks to special economic zones (SEZs). So far 11 have been set-up, offering investor’s secure walled off facilities, tax breaks and beneficial custom laws. However, more important than tax breaks is the red-tape:
Tax breaks are on the bottom of investors' wish lists, according to Skreekumar Chatra (PricewaterhouseCoopers, Bombay) "More than anything else, what Indian and international companies want is a high degree of speed, a one-stop clearance," he says…the next thing investors look for is “plug and play” infrastructure.
Experience from other countries have shown that results are best when the private sector has a strong role in the provision of this infrastructure and the management of such zones. The more difficult task is ensuring that this improved business climate spillsover beyond the walls of the zone, avoiding the creation of entrenched enclave community only benefiting a few.
More on the specifics of India’s SEZs is available online.
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