It's Tuesday, so this must be Minsk. The Doing Business 2009 roadshow is here because, while last year it took 231 days to transfer property in Minsk, this year it takes just 21 - as a result of comprehensive reforms including a one-stop shop for property registration, simplified procedures and computerization of records. This, together with reforms affecting 5 other DB indicators, made Belarus the #4 reformer in DB09, jumping 30 places overall (to the #85 spot) and a massive 81 places on the "registering property" indicator.
HiThe DB "top reformers" list can get some surprised reactions. But the reality is that an increasing number of countries - like Belarus - are quietly and systematically working away at cutting red tape and expanding e-governance in key areas of regulation important for domestic businesses. In Belarus the IFC has actively been supporting the government in its streamlining efforts and its ambitious goal of significantly improving Belarus's overall DB ranking. And the IFC's "Bel.Biz" initiative provides a platform for the exchange of ideas for further reforms. With sustained reform efforts by the government of Belarus along with IFC assistance, expect to hear more about Belarus in forthcoming DB publications.
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