James Surowiecki's wrote a piece in March 17 issue of the The New Yorker on how the hype around microfinance is fogging the way to development. "What poor countries need most[...]is not more microbusinesses. They need more small-to-medium-sized enterprises," writes Surowiecki. He explained further that focusing on SMEs, rather than on microbusinesses, could generate higher rates of employment. Jacqueline Novogratz from the Acumen Fund, wrote a piece in response where she gives some practitioner's insights:
"In my own experience corroborated James' findings that only a small percentage of borrowers went onto create larger businesses that employed significant numbers of people. But we've learned how to deliver at least one product to the poor, and we have an unprecedented opportunity not only to build larger businesses that employ people but also to deliver other critical products — health care, clean water, housing and alternative energy — to the poor in ways they can access and afford."
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