Moving on…

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Today is my last day at the World Bank Group – so a good opportunity to reflect back on this blog as it approaches the one year mark.

When Tim and I first started this blog we were not quite sure how much interest there would be in it. Since then I think we have surpassed our expectations as the blog now has thousands of readers each day and has stimulated some great feedback and ideas. During this past year we have also seen the development blogosphere continue to grow and improve. When we first thought about blogging, AdamSmithee was the only ‘development blog’ I knew of – today our blogroll nears 200.

We also both knew that we would be leaving the World Bank within the year – and perhaps were a little worried that the blog would not survive beyond our departures. But today I confidently leave you in the hands of seven other authors, with many more authors and surprise guests to come aboard soon.

As for me, I’m moving to New York for a few years – though there is a chance I may begin posting again in a few months once I’ve settled in. I still have several draft posts in the backlog, which should be going live over the next two weeks or so.

A thank you to my co-authors, and most especially to all our readers.

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