Public Private Partnership—so often the center of attention and so often misunderstood. Is it a method of public procurement of infrastructure or a tool to mobilize private finance for public infrastructure? Is it capable of transferring risks to the private sector or taking advantage of advanced performance management? And does it deliver value for money to taxpayers or “juicy” deals to rent seeking private companies—these are some of the questions we shall ask in this blog. We'll also look at what is going on in the market, how the financial crisis has affected PPPs, and what the most recent developments are in this field around the globe.
I've invited Filip Drapak, former Chairman of the Czech Republic PPP Centrum, to comment on these issues. Filip joined the World Bank Institute in 2007 to work as a Senior Specialist in the Public-Private Partnerships in Infrastructure practice.
Filip brings over 14 years of experience in finance, economics and banking. For the past 5 years, he has focused almost exclusively on public private partnerships, developing government policies and legislation, setting up institutional support for PPP and supporting the management of pilot projects. Welcome!
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